Posts & Webinars

Webinar, Praxis Webinars, Trent Oliver Praxis Admin Webinar, Praxis Webinars, Trent Oliver Praxis Admin

From Aspiration to Action: A Holistic Pathway to IDEA in Museums

WEBINAR — Feeling stuck on the path to inclusion? While museums and museum designers increasingly recognize the importance of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA), it’s not always clear how to translate that intention into action. In this webinar, we explore how to holistically move from embracing IDEA principles to driving sustainable change within our organizations, museum spaces, and communities. Nicolle Figueroa Rosado (Big Break Foundation) and Summer Martin (Andiron) share their expertise on implementing IDEA strategies and fostering sustainable progress. A Q&A session follows the discussion.

Moderated by Trent Oliver, President and Chief Instigator of Blue Telescope.

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What Do Exhibits Really Cost These Days?

WEBINAR — During this webinar, Cathlin Bradley from Kubik Maltbie and Matt Kirchman from ObjectIDEA, delve into project budgets and costs in a pre- vs. post-Covid world and consider key factors like professional fees, materials, maintenance, staffing, and ongoing support of the exhibits after opening.

Moderated by Paul Orselli, President and Chief Instigator of POW! (Paul Orselli Workshop).
Q&A session follows the presentation.

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Unlocking the Power of Audiovisual Technologies

WEBINAR — During this webinar, Tony Warner and Bryan Abelowitz of Phase Shift Consulting guide you through making informed decisions about projection, LED, aspect ratios and audio technology. They walk you through buzz words like 4K, OLED, and USB-C making sense of it all as it relates to AV technology planning and design.

Moderated by Kris Collins, Managing Director at MGAC.
Q&A session follows the presentation.

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Cadences for Creative Collaboration: How to be Your Best Ringleader

WEBINAR Like a circus, experience design can be thrilling and magical.

But it can also be, well, kind of a circus. How do you make sure there’s someone to catch the person leaping from the trapeze at just the right moment? Especially when the spotlight is on?

In this webinar, Trent Oliver of Blue Telescope shares process insights, collaboration tools, and best practices for working with all of the various members of an extended experience design team:

• when (and how!) to loop in each of your collaborators with confidence

• how to maintain a “single version of the truth” across distributed teams

• how to manage approvals, budgets, and all of the potentially dangerous backflips

• … and, most importantly, how not to lose sight of your dreams.

Moderated by Steven Rosen, President & Creative Director of Available Light. Q&A session follows the presentation.

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Conceptual Target Budgets- Nightmares, Fantasies, or Reality?

WEBINAR — A budget is the foundation of a project, yet there is often confusion or lack of confidence about how to establish a target budget, and what elements must be considered. Is it Alchemy? Do you have a Franken-budget? Are there ghouls waiting in the wings to kill your project?

Mysteries Revealed! Watch this webinar that features a panel of experienced museum project planners as they explore the process for setting conceptual target budgets, explain what sort of analysis should occur prior to setting budgets, and discuss many items to consider when embarking on such a journey. The panel will share benchmarking data from REAL (not graveyard) PROJECTS (no names of course), and talk about why googling “how much should a museum or exhibition cost” is a career-threatening action. Q&A session follows the presentation.

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Pay No Attention to the Person Behind the Curtain: A/V & Lighting System Design Strategies

WEBINAR — Whether you are building a new facility or renovating an existing space, infrastructure-planning and future-proofing your project will save you time and grief. This Praxis webinar will help advance your master-planning efforts with intelligent and timely advice.

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